Developing Sustainable Communities with Precision & Care

Explore Sobha's meticulous approach to fostering sustainable communities, where expertise and excellence meets compassion. Discover our initiatives driving positive change and nurturing environments for future generations.


Our Leadership Commitment

At Sobha, our commitment to ESG principles is deeply rooted in our corporate philosophy and central to our vision and mission of redefining excellence in community development.

We are dedicated to supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and aligning with the UAE's ambition to become net-zero by 2050. We firmly believe in leading by example and championing initiatives that prioritize environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and ethical governance throughout all aspects of our operations. This dedication motivates us to integrate innovative technologies and practices, build inclusive communities, build partnerships and ensure transparency in our operations and performance disclosure.

With an unwavering leadership dedication from the Board and top management, we are poised to forge ahead in the climate journey and build a better world for future generations. We are devoted to creating a legacy of positive impact for both our planet and its people, setting new benchmarks in the industry and delivering enduring value to all our stakeholders.

Sustainability and Climate Actions

Our ESG Policy

Our Commitment

Sobha’s ESG policy reflects our commitment to sustainable growth and ethical leadership in the real estate sector. Our approach is comprehensive, covering environmental stewardship, social impact, and governance integrity. We integrate ESG into our operations through specific strategies and targets, to lead in innovation and to generate lasting stakeholder value.

The Policy Span

Our policy spans our entire ecosystem, setting clear objectives for renewable energy use, climate resilience, biodiversity, social inclusivity with affordable housing and community programs, and robust governance practices including board diversity, supply chain ethics, and anti-corruption measures.


Implementation is overseen by a dedicated ESG committee, with performance linked to executive incentives and external audits ensuring compliance and transparency. Through ongoing engagement with stakeholders and regular policy updates, Sobha Realty strives to maintain the highest ESG standards, driving continuous improvement and industry leadership.

Our ESG Strategy

At Sobha Realty, our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy is an integral part of our overarching business vision. Aligned closely with our corporate objectives, this strategy is committed to environmental stewardship, social welfare, and responsible governance. Through sustainable development practices across the business value chain, we strive to minimize our environmental footprint, while enhancing community well-being and ensuring transparency and accountability in our operations. Our ESG initiatives are designed not just to comply with regulations, but to lead by example in our industry, fostering a sustainable future for all stakeholders involved.

  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Empowering People and Communities
  • Responsible Governance
Environmental Stewardship

Sobha's Environmental strategy reflects its commitment to assessing, managing and minimising its environmental impacts. Recognizing the urgency of climate action, Sobha has embedded wide ranging sustainability initiatives comprising all of but not limited to energy efficiency, renewable energy adoption, and water conservation into the core of its operations. Green building and sustainable design are not just compliance measures, but integral to Sobha's business ethos, reflecting its dedication to reducing environmental footprints and leading the way in sustainable development. With an eye on the future, Sobha's emphasis on circularity ensures that waste management and sustainable procurement are prioritized, contributing to the global movement towards a circular economy and setting a new standard in the construction industry for environmental stewardship.

Important aspects of our Environment pillar include the following:

Climate Action
Adhering to green building design principles
Implementing energy efficiency measures
Utilizing renewable energy
Focusing on sustainable operations
Practicing water conservation
Nature based solutions
Reducing the emissions

Waste management
Sustainable procurement practices
Engaging the supply chain

Pollution Prevention
Air pollution

Empowering People and Communities

Sobha's ESG strategy focuses on creating a positive and inclusive employee experience, underpinned by proactive engagement, diversity, and equal opportunities for learning and growth. Recognizing that the well-being of its workforce is a cornerstone of success, Sobha has instituted comprehensive training and skill development programs that not only advance careers but also foster a culture of safety and security. Beyond its operations, Sobha extends its social commitment to community welfare, understanding that the well-being of residents and active community engagement are pivotal for sustainable development. Collaborative initiatives with stakeholders are undertaken to ensure that the company’s growth is in harmony with societal progress, making tangible contributions to the communities it serves.

Important aspects of our Social pillar include the following:

Employee Experience & Wellbeing
Enhancing employee engagement
Fostering diversity and inclusion
Employee Training and Skill Development

Health Safety and Security
Building safety
Safety in construction and operations
Safety of our employees, residents and visitors

Community Welfare
Resident wellbeing
Community Engagement
Stakeholder Collaboration

Responsible Governance

Governance within Sobha is characterized by a strong framework that champions ethical business practices, diversity in leadership, and a rigorous risk management approach. The board's varied expertise underlines the Sobha’s resolve to maintain high standards of governance and stakeholder inclusiveness. Sobha's governance practices are transparent, involving regular performance measurements and reporting, which are vital for maintaining accountability and trust among all stakeholders. This commitment to excellence in governance ensures that the company not only adheres to the highest standards but also communicates its values and achievements effectively, enhancing its reputation and asserting its role as a responsible corporate citizen in the global market.

ESG Governance & Business Practices: 
Ethical Business Practices
Board Diversity and Expertise
Risk Management
Stakeholder Inclusiveness

Reputation Communication and Awareness: 
Regularly measuring and reporting ESG performance 
Conducting assessments to maintain and improve ESG standards.

Our ESG Objectives

We have thoughtfully established the ESG objectives described below, which reflect our commitment to sustainable practices and responsible corporate conduct.

  • Net Zero 2050
  • Adopt rooftop solar
  • Utilize biodiesel
  • Increase recycling rate
  • Achieve Green building certification
  • Divert waste away from landfill
  • Sustainable materials
  • Emiratization
  • Integrate POD
  • Improve Gender diversity
  • Implement Health and education related community welfare programs
  • Training and Development
  • Strengthen ESG committee
  • Undertake ESG risk Assessment
  • Undertake anti-corruption and anti-bribery awareness training

Commitment and Pledges

Sobha has committed to two UAE-based climate initiatives: the UAE Alliance for Climate Action (UACA) and the MOCCAE Climate-Responsible Companies Pledge.

The UACA is the first UAE-tailored alliance aimed at enhancing collaboration and accelerating Paris-aligned targets. The MOCCAE Pledge, initiated by the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, supports the private sector’s role in the UAE’s Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative.

In addition to these pledges, Sobha Realty adheres to the Principles for Responsible Investment, integrating ESG factors into our development projects, despite not being an investment firm.

We also comply with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct, contributing to economic, environmental, and social progress while minimizing our environmental impact. Furthermore, we actively support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), and are committed to upholding International Labour Organization (ILO) standards and human rights in all our operations.

Our Journey


  • Published 2nd ESG Report.
  • Published First TCFD Report.
  • Participated in GRESB disclosure for the first time and achieved GRESB rating.
  • Enhanced GHG inventory by including Scope 3 emissions.
  • Played a key role with.
  • Won Green World Ambassador Award.
  • Won Energy and Environment foundation’s “Global Sustainability Award”.
  • Won Climate Control Awards.
  • Sobha demonstrated Thought leadership in several Sustainability / ESG events.
  • SAS Housing Initiative – Oman.
  • Donated AED 50 million to the ‘1 Billion Meals Endowment’ initiative.
  • Pledged for "1000 Homes by Sobha Community Home Project".


  • Published First ESG Report for the reporting year 2021.
  • Pledged to Net Zero through UACA and MOCCAE.
  • Established ESG committee.
  • Developed the baseline GHG Inventory.
  • Conducted dowry-less wedding program.
  • Sobha demonstrated Thought leadership in several Sustainability / ESG events.


  • First Runner-Up in 'All Kerala CSR Awards - 2020' in the category 'Others and Individuals - Health and Hygiene'.


  • Winner in “CSR Activity of the Year” BAM Awards.
  • Won All Kerala CSR Awards 2019 – in the Health & Hygiene category by KMA.
  • Won CREDAI Awards for Real Estate (CARE) 2019 in the category Best CSR Activity.


  • Won “Outstanding CSR Award 2018 – NIPM”.
  • Won “Future Kerala Brand Awards 2018 – The Trusted CSR Brand of Kerala”.
  • Won “CSR Awards for Health & Hygiene”.
  • Won Achievement Award for Social Development & Impact.
  • Won A.P. Aslam Prathiba Puraskaaram for CSR works in the field of Business and Industries.


  • Launching of Sobha Hartland Project in Dubai.


  • Became Brand Icons – Excellence in Business Award for CSR.
  • Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Puraskar.


  • Established Sobha Academy.
  • Established Sobha Health Care.


  • Initiated “Graamasobha,” a unique social development initiative.


  • Foundation of Sobha Developers.


  • Foundation of Sobha Group.

Our Reports

We believe in transparent communication of our ESG performance and regularly publish reports to share this information with the public. Download our ESG and other relevant reports below.

ESG Report 2021

A comprehensive report that provides detailed information on the company's sustainability performance over the past year.

New Icon by Sobha

ESG Report 2022

New Icon by Sobha

ESG Report 2023

To be uploaded shortly
New Icon by Sobha

TCFD synopsis

New Icon by Sobha

Sobha ESG Policy

New Icon by Sobha

Sobha Environmental Policy


Green Buildings and Smart cities, Khaleej Times “Journey to Net Zero Forum”, Dubai, 2022
Net Zero Buildings of the Future, Energy & Sustainability Summit, Dubai, D2023
Sustainable Construction Technologies, MENA Construction 4.0, Dubai, 2023
Road to a Net Zero Carbon Portfolio, Construction Technology, 2023, Dubai
ESG & Urbanization , ESG Conclave 2.0, Dubai 2023
Mangrove planting, World Environment Day 2023
Decarbonization - The Path to Net Zero Pre-COP 28 Forum: Achieving Net Zero in the Gulf, Dubai, 2023
Accelerating Green products through Green Finance Ecosystem Norwegian pavilion, COP28 Dubai, 2023
Transforming Architecture and Engineering for a Sustainable Future, Turkish pavilion, COP28 Dubai, 2023
Sustainability Demo to Community, Children’s Sustainable Journey, 2023
Make Sustainability a part of a family culture. Children’s Sustainable Journey, 2023
Try Eco-Friendly Craft. Children’s Sustainable Journey, 2023
Plan a Zero-waste meal approach to food. Children’s Sustainable Journey, 2023
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Children’s Sustainable Journey, 2023
Seeking New Heights in Real Estate Sustainability, Sobha Realty’s Transformative Journey, Vertical Cities, Singapore, 2024
Sustainability in the Built Environment: Hype or Genuine Commitment? Property Technology Confex ,Dubai, 2024
Sustainability: Creating Value for Customers, Community and Investors. SP Jain School of Global Management roundtable, Dubai, 2024
World Environment Day, 2024
Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) and MASDAR Roundtable


Green World Awards - 2023
Green World Ambassador - 2023
Outstanding Achievements in Sustainability Management
Exemplary circular economy program - 2024
The Middle East Leadership Awards - 2024
Sustainability Innovation Awards
Climate control award 1
Climate control award 2
Project of the year award
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